Kenton County Airport
Emergency Response Plan

Created by Wellspring Info 

Emergency – 911 and advise you are located at CVG airport

Airport Police Non-emergency – 859-767-3123

Airport Fire Non-emergency – 859-767-3123

General Request/Airport Maintenance – 859-767-7777

1.0 Purpose
The Kenton County Airport Board (KCAB) operates the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG Airport) and sets policies, procedures, rules, regulations and ordinances to govern the airport operations for all circumstances.  KCAB’s goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for the normal operations of a commercial airport, and to plan for and mitigate those irregular operations which are driven by nature, accident or intentional acts. When an irregular operation occurs, it is imperative that KCAB employees, airport tenants, airline operators and all CVG Airport Stakeholders work in concert to resolve the irregular operation, while providing a safe and secure environment for all terminal facility occupants during the resolution process.  Many irregular operations will force the occupants of the CVG Airport Terminals and Concourses to shelter in place or evacuate the buildings in order to provide a safe environment. This procedure will cover those events which would drive a shelter in place or evacuation and what actions each entity will take to provide the safest possible environment during the event.

2.0 Shelter In Place
Shelter in Place means to seek safety within a safer part of the building one already occupies.  Since the CVG Airport Terminal and Concourse facility is so large, there are times in which an event creates an unsafe environment in a certain location, however rather than evacuate the building it is able to move to a safe or secure location within the building or concourse facility.  The following are events in which would require sheltering in place.

2.1 Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
When a Tornado Warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for the CVG Airport the following actions will take place:

  • Airport Operations Center – activate the tornado/severe weather sirens, page the terminal buildings and send out a severe weather notification through the KCAB Mass Notification System (MNS) and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - Terminal unit respond to the terminal information booth to coordinate the sheltering efforts and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - Battalion 1 will respond to the concourse B information booth and Engine 2 to concourse A information booth to coordinate sheltering efforts and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Ramp Tower - Advise all taxiing aircraft of the tornado warning to return to the Concourses to shelter.
  • Airline - stop all boarding, ticketing and other such normal operations. Evacuate all gate areas, aircraft and work areas immediately. Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or to severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage. One representative should remain at the information booth in your respective Concourse to coordinate with First Responders (ARFF, PD). Airline representatives will be visible in the shelter areas to assist sheltered passengers and control re-population when the all clear is given.
  • Tenants and Concessions - stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens; Immediately direct passengers away from windows and skylights and accompany passengers to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.  
  • KCAB employees in the terminal facility should immediately direct passengers away from windows and skylights and accompany passengers to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.

2.1.1 Severe Weather Shelter Areas - Locations

  • Terminal - AGT Tunnel, Non-ambulatory in restrooms
  • Concourse A - AGT Tunnel, Non-ambulatory in restrooms closest to the AGT Tunnel
  • Concourse B - AGT Tunnel, Non-ambulatory in restrooms closest to the AGT Tunnel

2.1.2 Related Documents

  • Police Policy 8310.01M - Tornado/Severe Weather
  • Customer Service - Severe Weather: Tornado Response
  • Customer Service - Operations Memorandum, Severe Weather: Lightning and Tornado Responses – March 8, 2020
  • CVG General Policies 1026 Emergency Action Plan
  • CVG General Policies 6202 Airport Emergency Plan

2.2 Fire Alarm - Concourse A and Concourse B
The fire alarm systems in Concourse A and Concourse B are assigned zones. If one fire monitoring device (smoke detector, pull station, etc.) is activated; only that portion of the building (zone), where the device is located, will have warning horns and strobes flashing.  All personnel in the activated area shall shelter to a portion of the building that is not activated. If a second fire monitoring device at any location in that same building is activated, the entire building will go into alarm. All Airline/Concession/Tenant personnel shall then evacuate.

  • Airport Operations Center - will monitor the incident, dispatch the Airport Fire Department to investigate the alarm and inform the Airport Police and Airport Facilities Maintenance of any personnel who have self-evacuated the building onto the ramp area and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - respond to the terminal/concourse facility to aid in directing people to the non-affected shelter area and gather any personnel who have self-evacuated onto the ramp area and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - respond to the terminal/concourse facility to investigate and resolve the activated alarm and follow their internal SOPs.

  • Airport Ramp Tower - advise taxiing aircraft of the activated alarm and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.

  • Airline - stop all boarding and other such normal operations in the activated area and direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse

  • Tenants and Concessions - stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens in the activated area and direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.

  • KCAB employees assigned to terminal facility should aid in directing people to the non-affected shelter area.

  • Airport Facilities Maintenance - respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

  • Airport Operations Agents - respond to the ramp area of the Concourses to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

2.2.1 Concourse A Fire Alarm Zones

2.2.2 Concourse B Fire Alarm Zones  


2.2.3 Related documents

  • Airport Operations Center, SOP - AOC-400.410
  • Customer Service - Operations Memorandum, Fire Alarm Zones and Evacuation Response - June 2, 2015

2.3 Security Incident
Checkpoint security breach - When the TSA or the Terminal Exit Lane guard viewed or suspected an unauthorized or unscreened person has entered the sterile area of the terminal/concourse facility they should immediately declare a checkpoint security breach by pushing 1 of the 2 Breach Alarm buttons located at the TSA Supervisors desk at the checkpoint and at the Terminal Exit Lane; or calling the AOC. When the breach alarm is activated, the following will automatically occur:

  • An alarm will be generated in the Alarm Queue of the access control system in the AOC.
  • Gates will lower in the AGTS Passenger Tunnel near the bottom of the B Concourse escalators and in the A Concourse Hub Area.
  • An audible alarm sounds in the B Concourse Delta Ramp Tower
  • An audible alarm sounds at the Main Security Checkpoint Supervisor Desk
  • Strobe lights activate at all bus loading doors and on the west side of the Main Terminal ticketing level.

During a security breach, Concourse A and Concourse B, past the breach gates, should be considered shelter areas unless otherwise directed to evacuate.


The activation of a fire alarm or fire pull station will override the breach alarm protocol and immediately raise the breach gate in the fire alarm activated area.

  • Airport Operations Center - ensure the Breach Alarm was activated in the access control system, if not then manually activate the Breach Alarm. Send the MNS Breach Notification. Monitor the CCTV to watch for threats and to assist in resolving the incident. Broadcast across all KCAB radio channels that a Security Breach has taken place and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - respond to the terminal/concourse facility to investigate and resolve the security breach. A police officer will automatically respond to the AGTS side of each of the breach gates and work back towards the checkpoint to resolve the breach and ensure passenger safety and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - personnel should stand by at each fire house for quick dispatch in case event escalates.
  • Airport Ramp Tower - advise taxiing aircraft of the security breach and declare a ramp stop so no aircraft depart or arrive at any boarding gates until the breach can be resolved. The ramp tower will contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.
  • Airline - stop all boarding and deplaning activities and shut all jet bridge doors. Airline personnel should move to the center of the concourse to relay information to passengers if needed.
  • Tenants and Concessions - No actions, be prepared to implement evacuation of occupied Concourse.
  • KCAB employees assigned to terminal facility should aid in directing people to the non-affected shelter area.
  • Airport Facilities Maintenance - respond to the ramp area of the concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that may have self-evacuated.
  • Airport Operations Agents - respond to the ramp area of the Concourses to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

2.3.1 Concourse A Breach Gate Location

2.3.2 Concourse B Breach Gate Location

2.3.3 Related Documents

  • Police Policy 110.01 Checkpoint Security Breach
  • Airport Operations Center SOP – AOC-700-704 Security Breach

2.4 Acts of Violence
An act of violence or perceived act of violence occurring in the terminal or checkpoint area may cause passengers, visitors, employees and TSA security officers to flee or escape the area the incident occurred into the sterile area through the checkpoint by unauthorized or unscreened people. In the event this occurs, a security breach should be declared, activating the security breach protocols listed above causing Concourse A and Concourse B to be in shelter mode while the terminal is in evacuation mode described below. An Act of Violence or perceived Act of Violence could easily escalate very quickly into an entire facility evacuation. If this extreme action occurs, evacuation procedures for all facilities listed below should immediately be followed in addition to the following measures:

  • The AOC should contact the FAA ATC to stop all aircraft movement, including landings until further notice and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - will initiate the police Active Shooter Response Plan including mutual aid and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - will initiate the SAVE protocols and follow their internal SOPs.

2.4.1 Related Documents

  • ARFF SOP - Operations 025 - Active Shooter Response - SAVE System
  • Police Active Shooter Response Plan for Active Shooter in the Terminal or Concourses

3.0 Emergency Evacuation
An Emergency Evacuation is the urgent immediate egress or escape of people away from an area that contains an imminent threat, an ongoing threat or a hazard to lives or property. The decision to evacuate the CVG Airport Terminal and Concourse facilities due to an unsafe environment means moving CVG employees and passengers to the aircraft ramp, which is an area that is not set up for pedestrian traffic and poses many hazards, including moving aircraft and aircraft support vehicles. It is vital during an emergency terminal and concourse facility evacuation only those areas which pose an immediate threat are evacuated and all CVG Stakeholders work in concert to mitigate additional hazards in an evacuation area to ensure all are provided a safe environment. In many instances a portion of the facility may be evacuated during an emergency, but other buildings may provide a shelter location. Only in extreme circumstances should the entire facility be evacuated. The following are events in which would require evacuation.

3.1 Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building
An evacuation of the Terminal building could be the result of several types of events such as a fire alarm, actual fire, structural issues or acts of violence. In all cases the primary focus should be the immediate welfare of those affected by the event and the safety of the evacuees. All efforts should be made to move the evacuees to the designated rally points to ensure their safety and to preserve a path for first responders to the building to resolve the issue. Secondary considerations should be the preservation of the sterile area and the AGTS, Concourse A and Concourse B facilities. A resulting evacuation of the Terminal Building may cause other parts to the facility to shelter in place until an assessment can be made for other potential threats or hazards for the facility. The designated emergency evacuation rally points for the Terminal facility are: North side of all levels of the CVG Terminal Garage, the Ground Transportation Center (GTC), West Side Terminal in parking lot and the Secure side of the Terminal complex near Security gates NE24 and NE26.

  • Airport Operations Center - will monitor the incident, dispatch the appropriate Airport Police and/or Airport Fire Department to resolve the incident and inform the Airport Police and Airport Facilities maintenance of any personnel who have evacuated the building onto the ramp area and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation. If the TSA evacuates the checkpoint, an officer should make every effort to preserve the sterile area past the checkpoint, however if that is not possible then a checkpoint breach should be declared and appropriate steps should be taken as out lined in Section 1.c.i. of this procedure and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Ramp Tower - advise taxiing aircraft of the terminal evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation. Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1. The ramp tower will contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area
  • Airline - stop all ticketing and other normal operations in the Terminal. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas. Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Tenants and Concessions - stop all normal operations in the Terminal. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas
  • KCAB employees assigned to terminal facility stop all normal operations in the Terminal. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas
  • Airport Facilities Maintenance - respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate
    rally point post orders.
  • Airport Operations Agents - respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1 to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

3.1.1 Related Documents

  • (1) Police Procedure 8310.010 Main Terminal Evacuation

3.2 Concourse A - Fire Alarm or unsafe building
An evacuation of the Concourse A building could be the result of several types of events such as a multi-point fire alarm, actual fire, structural issues or acts of violence. In all cases the primary focus should be the immediate welfare of those affected by the event and the safety of the evacuees. All efforts should be made to move the evacuees to the designated Evacuation Rally Points to ensure their safety and to preserve a path for first responders to access the building to resolve the issue. A resulting evacuation of the Concourse A Building may cause other parts to the facility to shelter in place until an assessment can be made for other potential threats or hazards for the facility. The designated emergency evacuation rally points for the Concourse A Building are: AGTS Tunnel and designated areas on the North and South side of the building.

  • Airport Operations Center - will monitor the incident, dispatch the appropriate Airport Police and/or Airport Fire Department to resolve the incident and inform the Airport Police and Airport Facilities maintenance of any personnel who have evacuated the building onto the ramp area and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Ramp Tower - advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse A evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation. Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1 and Ramp 2 North.
    The ramp tower will contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area
  • Airline - stop normal operations in the Terminal. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas. Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Tenants and Concessions - stop all normal operations. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated
    Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse A facility and direct passengers to
    those areas.
  • KCAB employees assigned to or currently in the Concourse A Building stop all normal operations. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas
  • Airport Facilities Maintenance - respond to the ramp area of the Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Airport Operations Agents - respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1, Ramp 2 North and Taxi Way S to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

3.2.1 Non-ambulatory Evacuation
Passengers with mobility challenges will need extra assistance in evacuating from the buildings.
Depending upon the type of incident such as fire alarms or power outages, elevators may not be available to transport these passengers to the ramp level for evacuation. The following are options to be used for assisting passengers with mobility issues with evacuation:

  • Elevators - if the elevators are operational use them to transport passengers to the ramp, then move to the designated rally points out of facility
  • Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) - Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) provide quick exit from the facility and access to communication. When assisting passengers to evacuate through the PLB, ensure the door to the facility is closed and move passengers to the end of the PLB. Use the PLB phone to all the CVG AOC to alert them of the location by using the PLB number. If safe and weather appropriate, open the PLB roll up door to allow for quick visual location for responders to assist off the PLB.
  • Emergency Stairwells - if the above options are not available, recruit fellow CVG employees or passengers to assist in getting the mobility challenged passenger to the ramp level to evacuate the building. If evacuation is delayed, contact the CVG AOC by cell phone and give stairwell identifier to alert responders of the location.

3.2.2 Related Documents

  • Police Procedure 8310.010 Main Terminal Evacuation

3.3 Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building
An evacuation of the Concourse B building could be the result of several types of events such as a multi-point fire alarm, actual fire, structural issues or acts of violence. In all cases the primary focus should be the immediate welfare of those affected by the event and the safety of the evacuees. All efforts should be made to move the evacuees to the designated Evacuation Rally Points to ensure their safety and to preserve a path for first responders to the building to resolve the issue. A resulting evacuation of the Concourse B Building may cause other parts to the facility to shelter in place until an assessment can be made for other potential threats or hazards for the facility. The designated emergency evacuation rally points for the Concourse B Building are: AGTS Tunnel and designated areas on the North and South side of the building.

  • Airport Operations Center - will monitor the incident, dispatch the appropriate Airport Police and/or Airport Fire Department to resolve the incident and inform the Airport Police and Airport Facilities Maintenance of any personnel who have evacuated the building onto the ramp area and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Police - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Fire - respond to the terminal facility to resolve the incident or aid in evacuation and follow their internal SOPs.
  • Airport Ramp Tower - advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse B evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation. Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 2 South and Ramp 3. The ramp tower will contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area. If the ramp tower personnel need to evacuate then they will contact the FAA tower to take control of aircraft and hold all aircraft from the ramp area.
  • Airline - stop normal operations in Concourse B. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas. Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow
    appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Tenants and Concessions - stop all normal operations. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse B building and direct passengers to those areas.
  • KCAB employees assigned to or currently in the Concourse B building stop all normal operations. Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points. If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas
  • Airport Facilities Maintenance - respond to the ramp area of the Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Airport Operations Agents - respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 2 South, Ramp 3, Taxi Way S and Taxi Way J to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

3.3.1 Non-ambulatory Evacuation
Passengers with mobility challenges will need extra assistance in evacuating from the buildings.
Depending upon the type of incident such as fire alarms or power outages, elevators may not be available to transport these passengers to the ramp level for evacuation. The following are options to be used for assisting passengers with mobility issues with evacuation:

  • Elevators - if the elevators are operational use them to transport passengers to the ramp, then move to the designated rally points out of facility
  • Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) - Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) provide quick exit from the facility and access to communication. When assisting passengers to evacuate through the PLB, ensure the door to the facility is closed and move passengers to the end of the PLB. Use the PLB phone to all the CVG AOC to alert them of the location by using the PLB number. If safe and weather appropriate, open the PLB roll up door to allow for quick visual location for responders to assist off the PLB.
  • Emergency Stairwells - if the above options are not available, recruit fellow CVG employees or passengers to assist in getting the mobility challenged passenger to the ramp level to evacuate the building. If evacuation is delayed, contact the CVG AOC by cell phone and give stairwell identifier to alert responders of the location.

3.3.2 Related Documents

  • Police Procedure 8310.010 Main Terminal Evacuation

4.0 Repopulation
Once an event has been resolved, certain steps should take place before the area evacuated is repopulated. The following must be ensured before passengers and CVG employees can re-enter a location.

4.1 Safe

  • Structural - ensure the area is structural sound to resume operations. If areas are the building are still affected, but the building as a whole is structurally sound then ensure the affected areas have been mitigated or cordoned off so returning persons cannot be injured by the affected area
  • Environment - ensure the environment is able to sustain airport operations to include appropriate HVAC, restroom, water and food

4.2 Secure

  • Security Sweep - before repopulating it is imperative a sweep of the evacuated area take place to ensure there are no lingering dangers for the persons re-entering the area. As security sweep may range from a visual walk through, hand search, Explosive Detection K-9 search or a combination depending upon the type of event.
  • Security Systems - the access control and CCTV systems must be checked to ensure proper functionality and compliance.
  • Screening considerations - before repopulating, it is important to understand what type of shelter or evacuation has taken place to ensure the proper screening during repopulation takes place if
    1. Secure area to sterile area - ensure no prohibited items are brought into the sterile area if passengers were evacuated to the aircraft ramp or authorized areas.
    2. TSA Screened vs. Non-screened - it is possible if the terminal is evacuated, that non-screened personnel end up in the secure area. To the extent possible, the non-screened evacuees should be segregated from the screened evacuees to limit the number of people required to go through TSA Checkpoint screening. Before repopulating the facility, a determination must be made to what extent non-screened passengers are in the sterile or secure area, if they have mingled with screened passengers and who needs to be rescreened at the TSA Checkpoint. All those in the sterile area who have been determined to have not been screened or mingled with non-screened passengers must be transported to a location to be screened by an approved TSA method before entering the sterile area.
    3. Customs - it is possible if Concourse B is evacuated or goes into shelter that some passengers may end up through the Federal Inspection Screening (FIS) checkpoint but may not have cleared Customs according to their guidelines. To the extent possible, the non-cleared evacuees should be segregated from the cleared evacuees to limit the number of people required to return to the FIS area. Before repopulating a determination must be made to what extent non-Customs cleared passengers have made it outside of the FIS area and those should be transported to a location to be cleared by an approved Customs method.

4.3 Order of Repopulation
In order to ensure the most efficient return to operations a measured order of repopulation must take place to ensure there are employees ready to handle the needs of the returning passengers. The following is the general order to repopulate an area but may change depending upon the nature of the event:

  • Security - TSA, Customs, Public Safety Assistants
  • CVG Employees
  • Passengers

4.4 Return of Sheltered Or Evacuated Areas
Efforts must be made to ensure those areas that were used to shelter or evacuate persons to are returned to their original condition. Items for consideration:

  • FOD - if passengers were evacuated to the sterile ramp area, a Foreign Object Debris (FOD) sweep must be made to ensure no items were left in the area that can damage aircraft.
  • Found items - a general sweep of the area should take place to locate any personal items left behind and they should be collected, catalogued and placed in a safe and secure place to be returned to the owner.
  • Trash - all trash must be collected and disposed of. 

Rally Points for Terminal and Concourses

Post Orders


  • T North - All levels of the Terminal Garage can be used depending upon amount of people.
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people, what level of lot you are on and rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees to the North of the lot. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the ramps, preferably down if safe.
  • T West - Use far west side of adjacent surface parking lot
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees in parking lot leaving roads open for emergency response. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the West towards the cell phone waiting lot.
  • T East - Use far east side of Limo parking lot
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees in parking lot leaving roads open for emergency response. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the Northeast towards the police department.
  • T South - move people to east of building in front of NE 24 or NE 26 gate – be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing Ramp 1 towards Concourse A. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the East towards the Delta hangar.
    4. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear

Concourse A

  • A Northwest - area inside ramp road at corner
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp road or across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B unless Concourse B is also evacuating then East towards the Delta hangar.
    5. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear
  • A North – area inside ramp road, at gate A12 – be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road or across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
    5. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear
  • A Northeast – area at ramp road corner near gate A20
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal or into movement area
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse. If Concourse B is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A Southwest - area at ramp road corner near gate A1
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A South - area at ramp road near gate A13
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse. If Concourse B is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A Southeast – area inside ramp road corner near gate A21
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.

Concourse B

  • B Northwest – area inside ramp road at corner near gate B4
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp road or across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B North – area inside ramp road, at gate B14 - be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road or across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Northeast – area at ramp road corner near gate B26
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A or into movement area
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Southwest – area at ramp road corner near gate B3
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A South – area at ramp road near gate B15
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Southeast – area inside ramp road corner near gate B27
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.

Shelter and Evacuation Checklist – Airline
Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop normal operations.
  • Evacuate all gate areas, aircraft and work areas immediately.
  • Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or to severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.
  • One representative should remain at the information booth in your respective Concourse to coordinate with First Responders (ARFF, PD).

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Stop normal operations in the activated area.
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Stop all boarding and deplaning activities.
  • Shut all jet bridge doors.
  • Airline personnel should move to the center of the concourse to relay information to passengers if needed.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A & B – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building
  • Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is. If possible, evacuate the area immediately and  direct all passengers to the designated Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.
Shelter and Evacuation Checklist – Ramp Tower
Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop normal operations.
  • Advise all taxiing aircraft of the tornado warning to return to the Concourses to shelter.
  • If evacuating the ramp tower, alert FAA tower and KCAB AOC.

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Stop normal operations in the activated area.
  • Advise taxiing aircraft of the activated alarm and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  • If evacuating the ramp tower, alert FAA tower and KCAB AOC.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Stop all boarding and deplaning activities.
  • Advise taxiing aircraft of the security breach.
  • Declare a ramp stop so no aircraft depart or arrive at any boarding gates until the breach can be resolved.
  • Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal
  • Advise taxiing aircraft of the terminal evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  • Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  • Advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse A evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  • Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1 and Ramp 2 North.
  • Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  • Advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse A evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  • Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 2 South and Ramp 3.
  • Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.
  • If need to evacuate contact the FAA tower to take control of aircraft and hold all aircraft from the ramp area.

Shelter and Evacuation Checklist - Tenants and Concessions 
Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens in the activated area.
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens in the activated area.
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Be prepared to implement evacuation procedures.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in concourse A.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse A facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in concourse B.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse B facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.
Shelter and Evacuation Checklist - KCAB Employees

Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  • Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Stop all activities
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Stop all activities
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in concourse A.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse A facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in concourse B.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  • If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points.
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse B facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.
Shelter and Evacuation Checklist - KCAB Facilities Maintenance
Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  • If in Terminal complex direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Respond to the ramp area of the affected building rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  • Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  • Follow appropriate rally point post orders.
Shelter and Evacuation - KCAB Airport Operations Agents
Severe Weather - Tornado Warning
  • Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  • If in Terminal complex direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm - Concourse A & B

  • Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1 to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  • Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  • Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 1 has stopped.
  • Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  • Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1, Ramp 2 North and Taxi Way S to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  • Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  • Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 1, Ramp 2 North and Taxi Way S has stopped.
  • Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  • Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 2 South, Ramp 3, Taxi Way S and Taxi Way J to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  • Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  • Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 2 South, Ramp 3, Taxi Way S and Taxi Way J has stopped.
  • Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  • Follow appropriate rally point post orders.


  • Activate emergency pull-station
  • Call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport
  • Provide the following information:
    • Building
    • Location within the building
    • Caller’s name and phone number
    • Attempt to extinguish the fire (if trained to utilize a fire extinguisher)
      • P.A.S.S. – Pull pin, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
    • Close doors leading to the fire


  • Stop normal operations in the activated area
  • Listen to fire alarm announcement to determine if moving to shelter area in concourse or evacuating. If evacuating go to evacuation tab of this guide.
  • A full building evacuation will only be announced when multiple alarm zones within the Concourse have been activated.
  • Direct passengers to areas of the Concourse where the fire alarm is NOT activated.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to areas of the Concourse where the fire alarm is NOT activated


  • Activate emergency pull-station
  • Call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport
  • Provide the following information:
    • Building
    • Location within the building
    • Caller’s name and phone number
    • Attempt to extinguish the fire (if trained to utilize a fire extinguisher)
      • P.A.S.S. – Pull pin, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
    • Close doors leading to the fire


  • Follow instructions and evacuate to designated outdoor assembly area while emergency personnel respond.
  • If an area is full of smoke, crawl along the floor and close to walls to make breathing easier.
  • Before opening any door, place a hand on it to see if it is hot.
  • Do NOT open the door if it is hot.
  • Be prepared to close a door quickly at the first sign of fire.
  • Remain away from the fire and responding firefighting personnel and equipment.
  • If necessary, conduct initial medical assessment of injured individuals and treat to your level of training.
  • Take roll call.
  • Clear access routes for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  • Incident Command will determine when the building is safe for re-entry
  • DO NOT re-enter the facility until an all clear has been given.  Follow the Re-population TAB of this guide.

Some medical emergencies may only require First-Aid. Others may require immediate medical attention. When in doubt, ask for help.

  • Call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport.
  • Identify the building.
  • Identify location within the building, number of people injured, and a description of the medical emergency.
  • Provide your name and phone number.
  • Do not hang up until advised to do so by the dispatcher.
  • Conduct initial medical assessment based on level of training.
  • Stay on the phone for instructions on how you can assist.
  • Do not move the person unless there is an immediate threat to the injured person in that location.
  • Wear personal protective equipment and avoid contact with body fluids.
  • Check to see if AED is needed, and send someone to get AED.
  • Follow instructions in AED case.

AED & Bleeding Control Locations in Terminal Facility


  • Ticketing Level
    • End of West side ticket counter near center
    • End of East side ticket counter near center
  • Baggage Level
    • West side near elevator
    • East Side near restrooms
    • East side Hallway to Ground Transportation Center

Concourse A

    • Gate A 1/A2 Entrance
    • Gate A3/A5 Entrance - next to restrooms
    • Between gates A3 & A7
    • Between gates A13 &  A15
    • Between gates A16 & A18

Concourse B

    • Gate B8
    • Between B hub & gate B12
    • Gate B16
    • Between Gates B20  & B22

The AOC will alert the CVG airport community of approaching or imminent severe weather through the airport Mass Notification System (MNS), Terminal Paging and the Flight Information Displays (FIDs)

Be ready to seek shelter at a moment’s notice.

Seek shelter immediately for all Tornado Warnings.

Terminal Facility

  • Stop normal operations.
  • Concessions: Immediately close and make areas safe (shut off gas, secure cooking appliances) prior to evacuating.
  • Evacuate all gate areas, aircraft and work areas immediately.
  • Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or to severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.
  • Follow Repopulation tab in this guide

All other Airport Buildings

  • Go to a pre-designated shelter area or take shelter in the center of an interior room on the lowest level, such as a bathroom, closet or interior hallway, that is away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls.
  • Do NOT pull the fire alarm to alert others of a tornado warning.
  • Stay away from windows and exterior doors.
  • Move to an interior hallway for shelter.
  • Wait for an all clear notification prior to returning to your work area.


Lie in a ditch, low-lying area, or crouch near a building if shelter is not available or if there is no time to get indoors.

The purpose of this Plan is to enable the safety of Airport personnel during lightning events at the airport

  • Whenever cloud to ground lightning is detected within 5 miles of the center of the Airport, KCAB’s Weather Service Provider will notify KCAB’s AOC via email.
  • The AOC does the following:
    • Makes announcement via radio (KCAB only)
  • Whenever a cloud to ground lightning event occurs (lightning is detected within 5 miles of the center of the Airport - see map) KCAB’s Weather Service Provider notifies KCAB AOC via email.
  • The AOC does the following:
    • Activates the Airport controlled strobe lights (see location of Airport strobes attached)
    • Makes announcement via radio (KCAB only)
    • Sends Notification (Everbridge to all of those subscribing to this particular notification)
  • After 15 minutes have lapsed, without another lightning event occurring within 5 miles of the center of the Airport, contacts KCAB’s AOC via email that the lightning event is terminated
  • The AOC does the following:
    • De-activates the Airport controlled strobe Lights
    • Makes announcement via radio (KCAB only)
    • Sends Notification (Everbridge to all of those subscribing to this particular notification)

The above protocols apply to the passenger terminal complex as well as KCAB, in general, but do not cover other ramp operations at the Airport such as maintenance hangar ramps, DHL, DPJ, etc. These entities can subscribe to the Lightning Event Notification however there is no other indication of a Lightning Event provided by the Airport. The Airport encourages all entities, especially those not covered by the Strobes, to invest in their own lightning detection system as well as educate their personnel on lightning detection methods suggested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which is contained at the end of this document.


  • Aircraft fueling operators shall follow the procedures outlined below when lightning is within five (5) miles of the CVG Airport. Each fueling operator shall have internal processes in place on April 1, 2017 for detecting when lightning is within five (5) miles of center point of CVG (See Attached Exhibit A) and for the notification of personnel or agents of the fueling operator.
    • For each lightning occurrence within five (5) miles of the center point of CVG, the fifteen (15) minute period in which fueling operations are required to be suspended shall reset to a new period of fifteen (15) minutes.  
    • When lightning is detected within five (5) miles of the center point of CVG, all fueling operations within the air operations area shall immediately be suspended.
    • Fueling can be resumed when no lightning strikes occur within five (5) miles of the center point of CVG for a period of 15-minutes following the last lightning strike.
    • Any other alterations or exceptions to the MOU shall be approved by the Airport Fire Chief.
  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Evacuation Rally Points.  
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.  
  • Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate Rally Point Post Orders.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations
    • Passengers with mobility challenges will need extra assistance in evacuating from the buildings. Depending upon the type of incident such as fire alarms or power outages, elevators may not be available to transport these passengers to the ramp level for evacuation. The following are options to be used for assisting passengers with mobility issues with evacuation:
      • Elevators – if the elevators are operational use them to transport passengers to the ramp, then move to the designated rally points out of facility
      • Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) – Passenger Loading Bridges (PLB) provide quick exit from the facility and access to communication. When assisting passengers to evacuate through the PLB, ensure the door to the facility is closed and move passengers to the end of the PLB. Use the PLB phone to all the CVG AOC to alert them of the location by using the PLB number. If safe and weather appropriate, open the PLB roll up door to allow for quick visual location for responders to assist off the PLB.
      • Emergency Stairwells – if the above options are not available, recruit fellow CVG employees or passengers to assist in getting the mobility challenged passenger to the ramp level to evacuate the building.  If evacuation is delayed, contact the CVG AOC by cell phone and give stairwell identifier to alert responders of the location.

Once an event has been resolved, certain steps should take place before the area evacuated is repopulated. The following must be ensured before passengers and CVG employees can re-enter a location


Structural – ensure the area is structural sound to resume operations.  If areas are the building are still affected, but the building as a whole is structurally sound then ensure the affected areas have been mitigated or cordoned off so returning persons cannot be injured by the affected area

Environment – ensure the environment is able to sustain airport operations to include appropriate HVAC, restroom, water and food.


Security Sweep- before repopulating it is imperative a sweep of the evacuated area take place to ensure there are no lingering dangers for the persons re-entering the area.  As security sweep may range from a visual walk through, hand search, Explosive Detection K-9 search or a combination depending upon the type of event.

Security Systems – the access control and CCTV systems must be checked to ensure proper functionality and compliance.

Screening considerations – before repopulating, it is important to understand what type of shelter or evacuation has taken place to ensure the proper screening during repopulation takes place if appropriate.

Secure area to sterile area – ensure no prohibited items are brought into the sterile area if passengers were evacuated to the aircraft ramp or authorized areas.
TSA Screened vs. Non-screened – it is possible if the terminal is evacuated, that non-screened personnel end up in the secure area. To the extent possible, the non-screened evacuees should be segregated from the screened evacuees to limit the number of people required to go through TSA Checkpoint screening. Before repopulating the facility, a determination must be made to what extent non-screened passengers are in the sterile or secure area, if they have mingled with screened passengers and who needs to be rescreened at the TSA Checkpoint. All those in the sterile area who have been determined to have not been screened or mingled with non-screened passengers must be transported to a location to be screened by an approved TSA method before entering the sterile area.

Customs – it is possible if Concourse B is evacuated or goes into shelter that some passengers may end up through the Federal Inspection Screening (FIS) checkpoint but may not have cleared Customs according to their guidelines. To the extent possible, the non-cleared evacuees should be segregated from the cleared evacuees to limit the number of people required to return to the FIS area. Before repopulating a determination must be made to what extent non-Customs cleared passengers have made it outside of the FIS area and those should be transported to a location to be cleared by an approved Customs method.

In order to ensure the most efficient return to operations a measured order of repopulation must take place to ensure there are employees ready to handle the needs of the returning passengers. The following is the general order to repopulate an area but may change depending upon the nature of the event:
Security – TSA, Customs, Public Safety Assistants
CVG Employees

Efforts must be made to ensure those areas that were used to shelter or evacuate persons to are returned to their original condition. Items for consideration:
FOD – if passengers were evacuated to the sterile ramp area, a Foreign Object Debris (FOD) sweep must be made to ensure no items were left in the area that can damage aircraft.
Found items – a general sweep of the area should take place to locate any personal items left behind and they should be collected, catalogued and placed in a safe and secure place to be returned to the owner.
Trash – all trash must be collected and disposed of.

  • Report outage to AOC at 859-767-7777, give the following information
    • Name and call back number
    • Immediate safety issues if any
    • Where the outage is located
    • What is out and are other areas besides your location out
  • Help passengers, guests & co-workers in darkened areas move to safer locations.
  • Follow instructions given by AOC, Police & Fire

Action – Electrical Interruption

  • Notify AOC and Utility Provider (Duke 800-543-5599 or Owen 800-372-7612) if they were not initially notified.
  • Assume role as, "Incident Commander (IC)," and notify AOC
  • Contact associates for Site Visit of affected areas while using facility management software to check affected utilities. Contact tenants of these facilities to confirm scope of outage, gather additional information, and share current situation
  • Associates report back on open-channel to IC while restarting necessary equipment
  • Ensure that backup power generation is not primary source of power for any affected facilities (that the primary power is functional)
  • Verify scope of interruption is aligned with AOC; verify that all utilities are restored
  • After 30 minutes from restoration, ensure that Emergency Generators have shut off and utility power is still used
  • Close out Incident with AOC; forward report for management

Action – Electrical Outage

  • Assume role as, "Incident Commander (IC)," and notify AOC and Utility Provider (Duke 800-543-5599 or Owen 800-372-7612) Notify SMEs and/or qualified personnel for additional support (above and beyond Everbridge Notification)
  • Contact Utility Provider, (Duke 800-543-5599 or Owen 800-372-7612) to ascertain and communicate:
    • Scope of Outage from their Operations
    • Estimated Restoration Time
    • Log Incident Number
    • Establish Rally Point/Time for onsite linkup
  • Contact associates for Site Visit of affected areas while using facility management software to check affected utilities. Contact tenants of these facilities to confirm scope of outage, gather additional information, and share current situation
    • Associates report back on open-channel to IC while restarting necessary equipment
    • Ensure that backup power generation is functional (feeder or emergency generator)
  • Verify scope of disruption is aligned with AOC
  • Assist with Utility Provider in locating point of outage
  • Restore Primary Utility
  • Notify AOC that all utilities are restored
  • After 30 minutes from restoration, ensure that Emergency Generators have shut off and primary utility feeder is in service
  • Close out Incident with AOC; forward report for management

In the event of a fuel or hazardous substance spill on the Airport Property, the appropriate personnel will take the following steps to ensure suitable actions are taken.

  • All oil and fuels spills, the presence of toxic fumes, or the release of any hazardous materials regardless of quantity require immediate notification of the Airport Operations Center (AOC) 859-767-3123 to initiate a Fire Department spill response
  • Attend to all injured personnel and evacuate to a safe place
  • Stop and contain the spill if trained and safely able to do so.
  • Evacuate the area. Do not drive through or remove vehicles from the spill area.

Quickly determine where the threat or hazard is and the most reasonable way to protect your own life.  Make your own assessment, do not solely rely on what another person is doing. Remember that passengers are likely to follow the lead of employees during an act of violence situation.

If you assess an immediate threat or hazard

  1. Evacuate – follow evacuation tab
  2. Hide out

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. 

Your hiding place should:

  • Be out of the criminal’s view.
  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door).
  • Not trap you or restrict your options for movement.

To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:

  • Lock the door.
  • Blockade the door with heavy furniture.

 If the active shooter is nearby:

  • Lock the door.
  • Silence your cell phone and/or pager.
  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions).
  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks).
  • Remain quiet.

If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:

  • Remain calm.
  • Dial 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

3. Take action against the active shooter

As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her.
  • Throwing items and improvising weapons.
  • Yelling.
  • Committing to your actions.

When the Police Arrive

  • Police will go to areas where shots were last heard.
  • Officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, handguns.
  • Officers may use pepper spray, tear gas, or flash bangs to control the situation.
  • Officers may shout commands and push individuals to the ground.
  • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets).
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements, pointing, screaming, and/or yelling toward officers.
  • Do not stop to ask Officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which Officers are entering the premises.
  • Do not expect the first Officers to arrive to stop to help the injured.
  • Expect rescue teams with emergency medical services to follow.
  • Once in a safe place, remain there for roll call.
  • Do not leave until approved by law enforcement.

Suspicious Package

In the event of a suspicious package/object, follow these instructions:

  • Ask if anyone nearby owns the package/object or saw who left it.
  • Do not touch or move the package.
  • Do not make any calls from your cellular phone while in the immediate vicinity of the package.
  • Locate the nearest land line and call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport
  • Provide all of the details concerning the package (location, size, color, shape, etc.).
  • Follow the instructions of the AOC personnel.  

Bomb Threat
Remain calm.
Attempt to keep the caller on the phone, and have someone else if possible call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport
Get as much information as possible.
Relay the exact words the caller used to make the threat.
Gather and relay the following information to the AOC

What time has been given for detonation?
Where is the device located?
What type of device is it?
What does the device look like?
Is there more than one device?

Description of Caller:
Male or Female
Approximate Age

Voice Characteristics:
Cracking voice
Clearing throat
Deep breathing

Background Noise(s):
Factory machines
PA system
Cell phone
Office machines
Long distance

To report suspicious activity, contact the AOC 859-767-3123. Describe specifically what you observed, including:

  • Who or what you saw;
  • When you saw it;
  • Where it occurred; and
  • Why it's suspicious.
  • If there is an emergency, call 911 and advise you are located at CVG Airport.

Suspicious activity is any observed behavior that could indicate terrorism or terrorism-related crime. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unusual items or situations: A vehicle is parked in an odd location, a package/luggage is unattended, a window/door is open that is usually closed, or other out-of-the-ordinary situations occur.
  • Eliciting information: A person questions individuals at a level beyond curiosity about a building’s purpose, operations, security procedures and/or personnel, shift changes, etc.
  • Observation/surveillance: Someone pays unusual attention to facilities or buildings beyond a casual or professional interest. This includes extended loitering without explanation (particularly in concealed locations); unusual, repeated, and/or prolonged observation of a building (e.g., with binoculars or video camera); taking notes or measurements; counting paces; sketching floor plans, etc.
  • Some of these activities could be innocent—it's up to law enforcement to determine whether the behavior warrants investigation. The activities above are not all-inclusive, but have been compiled based on studies of pre-operational aspects of both successful and thwarted terrorist events over several years.

Examples of behaviors and activities to report:

  • People drawing or measuring important buildings.
  • Strangers asking questions about security or building security procedures.
  • Briefcase, suitcase, backpack, or package left behind.
  • Cars or trucks left in No Parking zones in front of the Terminal or other important buildings.
  • Stranger in secure areas where they are not supposed to be, or not wearing a proper ID.
  • Chemical smells or fumes that worry you.
  • People asking questions about sensitive information such as building blueprints, security plans, or VIP travel schedules without a right or need to know.
  • Purchasing supplies or equipment that can be used to make bombs or weapons or purchasing uniforms without having the proper credentials.

Checkpoint security breach – When the TSA or the Terminal Exit Lane guard view or suspect an unauthorized or unscreened person has entered the sterile area of the terminal/concourse facility they should immediately declare a checkpoint security breach by pushing 1 of the 2 Breach Alarm buttons located at the TSA Supervisors desk at the checkpoint and at the Terminal Exit Lane; or calling the AOC. When the breach alarm is activated, the following will automatically occur:

  • An alarm will be generated in the Alarm Queue of the access control system in the AOC.
  • Gates will lower in the AGTS Passenger Tunnel near the bottom of the B Concourse escalators and in the A Concourse Hub Area.
  • An audible alarm sounds in the B Concourse Delta Ramp Tower
  • An audible alarm sounds at the Main Security Checkpoint Supervisor Desk
  • Strobe lights activate at all bus loading doors and on the west side of the Main Terminal ticketing level.

During a security breach, Concourse A and Concourse B, past the breach gates, should be considered shelter areas unless otherwise directed to evacuate.

  • Airport Ramp Tower – advise taxiing aircraft of the security breach and declare a ramp stop so no aircraft depart or arrive at any boarding gates until the breach can be resolved.  The ramp tower will contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.
  • Airline – stop all boarding and deplaning activities and shut all jet bridge doors.  Airline personnel should move to the center of the concourse to relay information to passengers if needed.  
  • Tenants and Concessions – No actions, be prepared to implement evacuation of occupied Concourse.
  • KCAB employees assigned to terminal facility should aid in directing people to the non-affected shelter area.
  • Airport Facilities Maintenance – respond to the ramp area of the concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that may have self-evacuated.
  • Airport Operations Agents – respond to the ramp area of the Concourses to stand by for a possible evacuation to ensure the safety of any evacuees and aircraft movement.

  • T North - All levels of the Terminal Garage can be used depending upon amount of people.
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people, what level of lot you are on and rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees to the North of the lot. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the ramps, preferably down if safe.
  • T West - Use far west side of adjacent surface parking lot
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees in parking lot leaving roads open for emergency response. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the West towards the cell phone waiting lot.
  • T East - Use far east side of Limo parking lot
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees in parking lot leaving roads open for emergency response. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the Northeast towards the police department.
  • T South - move people to east of building in front of NE 24 or NE 26 gate – be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing Ramp 1 towards Concourse A. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the East towards the Delta hangar.
    4. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear

  • A Northwest - area inside ramp road at corner
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp road or across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B unless Concourse B is also evacuating, then East towards the Delta hangar.
    5. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear
  • A North – area inside ramp road, at gate A12 – be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road or across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
    5. If evacuees from terminal and concourse mix, all must be re-screened upon all clear
  • A Northeast – area at ramp road corner near gate A20
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, across Taxilane Ramp 1 towards Terminal or into movement area
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse. If Concourse B is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A Southwest - area at ramp road corner near gate A1
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A South - area at ramp road near gate A13
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse. If Concourse B is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A Southeast – area inside ramp road corner near gate A21
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 2 North towards Concourse B.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the South towards Concourse B. If Concourse B is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.

  • B Northwest – area inside ramp road at corner near gate B4
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp road or across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B North – area inside ramp road, at gate B14 - be aware of passengers exiting bus doors
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road or across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Northeast – area at ramp road corner near gate B26
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, across Taxilane Ramp 2 South towards Concourse A or into movement area
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Southwest – area at ramp road corner near gate B3
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier.
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3.
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • A South – area at ramp road near gate B15
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.
  • B Southeast – area inside ramp road corner near gate B27
    1. Designate Rally Point Leader Designate, preferably a KCAB employee with company radio on ‘AOC’ channel.
    2. Alert AOC with Rally Point Leader radio number or cell phone number, approximate number of people and the rally point identifier
    3. Keep evacuees from crossing onto Ramp Road, into movement area across Taxilane Ramp 3
    4. If area becomes unsafe move evacuees to the North towards Concourse A. If Concourse A is also evacuating, then move evacuees East towards the Delta hangar.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  • Stop normal operations.
  • Evacuate all gate areas, aircraft and work areas immediately.
  • Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or to severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.
  • One representative should remain at the information booth in your respective Concourse to coordinate with First Responders (ARFF, PD).

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  • Stop normal operations in the activated area.
  • Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  • Stop all boarding and deplaning activities.
  • Shut all jet bridge doors.
  • Airline personnel should move to the center of the concourse to relay information to passengers if needed.  

Terminal – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.  
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.  
  • Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A & B – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  • Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  • Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Evacuation Rally Points.  
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.  
  • Airline personnel may also respond to the ramp area of the terminal rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated and follow appropriate rally point post orders.
  • Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  •  Stop normal operations.
  •  Advise all taxiing aircraft of the tornado warning to return to the Concourses to shelter.
  •  If evacuating the ramp tower, alert FAA tower and KCAB AOC.

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  •  Stop normal operations in the activated area.
  •  Advise taxiing aircraft of the activated alarm and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  •  If evacuating the ramp tower, alert FAA tower and KCAB AOC.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  •  Stop all boarding and deplaning activities.
  •  Advise taxiing aircraft of the security breach.
  •  Declare a ramp stop so no aircraft depart or arrive at any boarding gates until the breach can be resolved.
  •  Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.

Terminal – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in the Terminal
  •  Advise taxiing aircraft of the terminal evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  •  Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1.

Concourse A – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  •  Advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse A evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  •  Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 1 and Ramp 2 North.
  •  Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.

Concourse B – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in the affected concourse.
  •  Advise taxiing aircraft of the Concourse A evacuation and to be aware of a possible concourse evacuation.
  •  Stop all aircraft movement on Taxi Lane Ramp 2 South and Ramp 3.
  •  Contact the FAA tower to coordinate the holding of arriving aircraft in the movement area.
  •  If need to evacuate contact the FAA tower to take control of aircraft and hold all aircraft from the ramp area.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  •  Stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens in the activated area.
  •  Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  •  Stop all activities and shut down all stoves and ovens in the activated area.
  •  Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  •  Be prepared to implement evacuation procedures.

Terminal – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.
  •  If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in concourse A.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points.  
  •  If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse A facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations

Concourse B – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in concourse B.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points.  
  • If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse B facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  •  Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  •  Direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  •  Stop all activities
  •  Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  •  Stop all activities
  •  Direct passengers to the non-affected shelter areas of the Concourse.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Terminal – Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in the Terminal.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Terminal Evacuation Rally Points.
  •  If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the terminal facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in concourse A.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse A Evacuation Rally Points.  
  •  If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse A facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Stop all normal operations in concourse B.
  •  Make an assessment of where the threat or hazard is.  
  •  If possible, evacuate the area immediately and direct all passengers to the designated Concourse B Evacuation Rally Points.  
  •  If a threat exists such as an active act of violence, it may be necessary to evacuate to the restricted areas of the Concourse B facility and direct passengers to those areas.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to evacuation locations.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  •  Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  •  If in Terminal complex direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the affected building rally point to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  •  Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  •  Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Severe Weather – Tornado Warning

  •  Stop all activities, proceed to shelter area.
  •  If in Terminal complex direct passengers away from windows and skylights to the lowest level (e.g. Tunnel) and/or severe weather shelters marked with green “Severe Weather” signage.
  •  Ensure Non-ambulatory persons are being moved to shelter locations.

Fire Alarm – Concourse A & B

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Checkpoint Security Breach

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the activated concourse rally points to stand by for a possible evacuation and to assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.

Terminal - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1 to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  •  Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  •  Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 1 has stopped.
  •  Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  •  Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Concourse A - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 1, Ramp 2 North and Taxi Way S to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  •  Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  •  Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 1, Ramp 2 North and Taxi Way S has stopped.
  •  Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  •  Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Concourse B - Fire Alarm or Unsafe Building

  •  Respond to the ramp area of the Taxilane Ramp 2 South, Ramp 3, Taxi Way S and Taxi Way J to stand by for a possible evacuation.
  •  Ensure the safety of any evacuees.
  •  Ensure aircraft movement on Taxilane Ramp 2 South, Ramp 3, Taxi Way S and Taxi Way J has stopped.
  •  Assist in gathering those that have self-evacuated.
  •  Follow appropriate rally point post orders.

Page generated by Wellspring Info on Feb 14, 2024 13:11